separate a head and throw it …
離頭棄 (separate a head and throw it away)…A Philippine hippopotamus group continues "the Liberal Democratic Party" and "Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan" and a falsehood, crime instigation and seems to become more than 70 years.
Therefore I "great-grandchild "grandchild of 遠田静治 = 蓙甌惺貮 (齎慈, 靜邇, 瀞貳) of the son of the Clark (Fabre) doctor" of 野口日出弥 (Hideyo) 明治天皇魁擡隗頼" is a victim since before having been born.
"A Philippine hippopotamus group broadcasting it with live picture for 24 hours of TV which the world watched between tea gathered none ofs world very important person, superstars and has done fetters". What demonstrated tradition "almsgiving (ceremony for dead people) of 黒瓜雜龜 (Kurouri-Zoki)" only for races during broadcast of in Kanagawa "a fool famous hippopotamus."
"The hippopotamus which there is not though I should do what" that "an imitation criminal of the devil" is famous in Korea. I call it "an older brother",; but a true younger brother of the devil.
I imprisoned a hostage in Yokosuka, and all the programming that the cyberterrorism list of the Philippine "hippopotamus group" during barricading used had it stolen from "Red Hat"!
More than 90% of criminals of the world become clear with a Philippine "hippopotamus group". Please confirm it.
亂鷓鸚吁咤帝黨 (emperor head, 帝祷) 衣俐 earom.Ereoana de'mediti
だから私『野口日出弥(英世) 明治天皇 魁擡隗頼の曾孫』『クラーク(ファーブル)博士の息子の遠田 静治=蓙甌惺貮(齎慈・靜邇・瀞貳)の孫』は生まれる前から被害者である。
世界中がお茶の間で観ているテレビの24時間live映像で放送中の『フィリピンの河馬族が世界要人・スーパースター全員集めて足枷しちゃいました。in神奈川』の放送中に 民族だけの伝承『黒瓜雜龜(Kurouri-Zoki)の施し(死者の為の儀式)』を実演したのが『馬鹿で有名な河馬』。
『悪魔君の模倣犯』が朝鮮で有名な『どうしようも無い河馬』。私は『お兄ちゃん』と呼んでいるが 悪魔君の実弟。
横須賀で人質を監禁、立て籠り中のフィリピン『河馬族』のサイバーテロリストの使用するプログラミングは全て、『Red Hat』から盗まれたもの!
亂鷓鸚 吁咤 帝黨(帝頭・帝祷)衣俐 earom.Ereoana de'mediti
綴筒皆腿拐載 榮阿多改苔械細罍灰彌屶懐躱砕 更蠏戒隶裁蠡蓋體潰躰届糲咼財价駘禮瘰間胎怪滞磊蟹災籟鰓棣櫑
離頭棄 (separate a head and throw it away)…A Philippine hippopotamus group continues "the Liberal Democratic Party" and "Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan" and a falsehood, crime instigation and seems to become more than 70 years.
Therefore I "great-grandchild "grandchild of 遠田静治 = 蓙甌惺貮 (齎慈, 靜邇, 瀞貳) of the son of the Clark (Fabre) doctor" of 野口日出弥 (Hideyo) 明治天皇魁擡隗頼" is a victim since before having been born.
"A Philippine hippopotamus group broadcasting it with live picture for 24 hours of TV which the world watched between tea gathered none ofs world very important person, superstars and has done fetters". What demonstrated tradition "almsgiving (ceremony for dead people) of 黒瓜雜龜 (Kurouri-Zoki)" only for races during broadcast of in Kanagawa "a fool famous hippopotamus."
"The hippopotamus which there is not though I should do what" that "an imitation criminal of the devil" is famous in Korea. I call it "an older brother",; but a true younger brother of the devil.
I imprisoned a hostage in Yokosuka, and all the programming that the cyberterrorism list of the Philippine "hippopotamus group" during barricading used had it stolen from "Red Hat"!
More than 90% of criminals of the world become clear with a Philippine "hippopotamus group". Please confirm it.
亂鷓鸚吁咤帝黨 (emperor head, 帝祷) 衣俐 earom.Ereoana de'mediti
だから私『野口日出弥(英世) 明治天皇 魁擡隗頼の曾孫』『クラーク(ファーブル)博士の息子の遠田 静治=蓙甌惺貮(齎慈・靜邇・瀞貳)の孫』は生まれる前から被害者である。
世界中がお茶の間で観ているテレビの24時間live映像で放送中の『フィリピンの河馬族が世界要人・スーパースター全員集めて足枷しちゃいました。in神奈川』の放送中に 民族だけの伝承『黒瓜雜龜(Kurouri-Zoki)の施し(死者の為の儀式)』を実演したのが『馬鹿で有名な河馬』。
『悪魔君の模倣犯』が朝鮮で有名な『どうしようも無い河馬』。私は『お兄ちゃん』と呼んでいるが 悪魔君の実弟。
横須賀で人質を監禁、立て籠り中のフィリピン『河馬族』のサイバーテロリストの使用するプログラミングは全て、『Red Hat』から盗まれたもの!
亂鷓鸚 吁咤 帝黨(帝頭・帝祷)衣俐 earom.Ereoana de'mediti
綴筒皆腿拐載 榮阿多改苔械細罍灰彌屶懐躱砕 更蠏戒隶裁蠡蓋體潰躰届糲咼財价駘禮瘰間胎怪滞磊蟹災籟鰓棣櫑