朝鮮で有名な鉄格子とは迭拷漬・跌濠弑(テツゴ ウシ)らしい。
立て籠り中のフィリピンの河馬族はアジアでは『亂鷓鸚 吁咤 帝黨(帝頭・帝祷)衣俐(私)の鉄格子』と呼ばれている犯罪者グループらしい。
齲鴕乃掟黨繪璃奈=鷆界大邂宰穢閼瓏 亂鷓鸚 吁咤 帝黨(帝頭・帝祷)衣俐に対する嫌がらせはエスカレートする惨殺刑。
横須賀で人質を監禁、立て籠り中のフィリピン『河馬族』のサイバーテロリストの使用するプログラミングは全て、『Red Hat』から盗まれたもの!
『朝鮮総連』="Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan""General Association of Korean Residents"『人浚い(ヒトサライ)』="There is 人拐" 『豼貔團』="Baboon group"『比輅團』="Leech group"『妖魔團』"Vampire corps"『支那畜アミ』=China beast"Shina-Tiku-Ami"
The Philippine hippopotamus family during barricading seems to be a criminal group called "a grate of 亂鷓鸚吁咤帝黨 (emperor head, 帝祷) 衣俐" (I) in Asia.
But children of "the horse" (plum, Umeko) of "the devil" and the parent that the principal offender (instigation) assumes it with the "apparition" "Liberal Democratic Party" "star whole families" from old days.
People of the figure that is sterile now in a building staying.
It seems to be grate = 迭拷漬 (テツゴウシ).
The slaughter punishment that the harassment for 齲鴕乃掟黨繪璃奈 = 鷆界大邂宰穢閼瓏亂鷓鸚吁咤帝黨 (emperor head, 帝祷) 衣俐 escalates.
"Snake" I heard it with による Lynch.
There are many victims.
There is the substitute of "the snake" as many as one likes.
What put microchip in the human body of the world…A Korean.
I imprisoned a hostage in Yokosuka, and all the programming that the cyberterrorism list of the Philippine "hippopotamus group" during barricading used had it stolen from "Red Hat"!
"Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan" ="Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan""General Association of Korean Residents" "person I dredge it" (ヒトサライ) ="There is 人拐 ""豼貔團" ="Baboon group" "比輅團" ="Leech group" "妖魔團" "Vampire corps" "支那畜 net" = China beast"Shina-Tiku-Ami"
立て籠り中のフィリピンの河馬族はアジアでは『亂鷓鸚 吁咤 帝黨(帝頭・帝祷)衣俐(私)の鉄格子』と呼ばれている犯罪者グループらしい。
齲鴕乃掟黨繪璃奈=鷆界大邂宰穢閼瓏 亂鷓鸚 吁咤 帝黨(帝頭・帝祷)衣俐に対する嫌がらせはエスカレートする惨殺刑。
横須賀で人質を監禁、立て籠り中のフィリピン『河馬族』のサイバーテロリストの使用するプログラミングは全て、『Red Hat』から盗まれたもの!
『朝鮮総連』="Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan""General Association of Korean Residents"『人浚い(ヒトサライ)』="There is 人拐" 『豼貔團』="Baboon group"『比輅團』="Leech group"『妖魔團』"Vampire corps"『支那畜アミ』=China beast"Shina-Tiku-Ami"
The Philippine hippopotamus family during barricading seems to be a criminal group called "a grate of 亂鷓鸚吁咤帝黨 (emperor head, 帝祷) 衣俐" (I) in Asia.
But children of "the horse" (plum, Umeko) of "the devil" and the parent that the principal offender (instigation) assumes it with the "apparition" "Liberal Democratic Party" "star whole families" from old days.
People of the figure that is sterile now in a building staying.
It seems to be grate = 迭拷漬 (テツゴウシ).
The slaughter punishment that the harassment for 齲鴕乃掟黨繪璃奈 = 鷆界大邂宰穢閼瓏亂鷓鸚吁咤帝黨 (emperor head, 帝祷) 衣俐 escalates.
"Snake" I heard it with による Lynch.
There are many victims.
There is the substitute of "the snake" as many as one likes.
What put microchip in the human body of the world…A Korean.
I imprisoned a hostage in Yokosuka, and all the programming that the cyberterrorism list of the Philippine "hippopotamus group" during barricading used had it stolen from "Red Hat"!
"Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan" ="Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan""General Association of Korean Residents" "person I dredge it" (ヒトサライ) ="There is 人拐 ""豼貔團" ="Baboon group" "比輅團" ="Leech group" "妖魔團" "Vampire corps" "支那畜 net" = China beast"Shina-Tiku-Ami"