The Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan is non for a Liberal Democrat.
Because I am not sorry, the cracker cyberterrorism list whole families of the Filipino "human flesh capsule manufacturer which is white an entering seven star false love potion" (drug) of Jew of the illegal stay line, please confirm the victim of a hostage and the whole families whom "瑁喰, Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan" imprisons in Kanagawa in Asia.
False Liberal Democrat
Grandchild of the double of the fan from Ogasawara
"False spring water" "False net" "false aero" (Eri) "Ogasawara 猴 (貔豼) of the black face that evaded" 蟻輊惡面儿, 戲豬冕尽 (ギチョメジン).
"It is Shizu of .1 classmate milk of small 1" whom the "Tokyo amusement place dragoman" net who sometimes does shopping in the classmates of my elementary school speaks to me.
The fraud family that all the families get a celebrity fixed to escape to be similar. There are a forest, Abe, Noda, a fan, a fraud family of the doubles of Seiko Noda in neither Judea nor Cannan. It is the tribe of the イロマンゴ island.
A grandmother "false fan" is a witch with Shizu. I am in the fortress of Yokosuka by the swing of the relative of net and Tae. I continue it while still barking. In a mouth a stone…Flatter; in the look of the nose.
ヨネアクママジョマオウヨウマシナチク…Everybody is a relative. I am in the fortress of Yokosuka. "It is false Liberal Democrat, Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan".
The true cracker organization "snail whole families"…The Korea agent clan "Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan" of the fraud group gathered the people of famous organizations and companies of the world as a hostage of the coups d'etat by a threat of "indiscriminate bombing, the indiscriminate murder".
The famous soccer team imprisons both the country and the club team by a threat to the FIFA in Yokosuka and is restricted. A musician and the actor are the Kanagawa prefecture by the threat to Academy Award and a Grammy award and the organization to belong to…I imprison it in Yokosuka and am restricted now.
It is revelation with the Filipino incidentally Jewish former Ian who is in Japan in "華喃" of the relative of the meeting "Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan" of the relative.
Fraud group Korea agent…"Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan" of the "fixes" criminal such as the world soccer or horse racing…"The damage (the damage, defect)-related para-developmental disability of the pest-related brain disorder, brain" and "the person protein brain fever" by the landing (entry) of the whole families who 諛沱邪 (Judea) and people "Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan" of the fossa shortage (Cannan) want to produce the damage serious brain disorder, and do not go along "the entering love potion, seven stars human flesh capsule of the white devil" and the customs. It is "multiple organ failure" others such as a heart attack and the abdominal pain due to the roundworm, dyspnea more.
Well-known (celebrity) people of the world, it is restricted imprisonment in Yokosuka by the 特 A war crime whole families "Federation of All Democratic Koreans in Japan" on the cyberterrorism list of the Korea agent of the 諛荼輻系 Filipino of the illegal stay.
Please confirm imprisonment, a restricted hostage in Asia in Kanagawa whether the toll of these 3-year whole families surpassed 30 million people.
There is not it in the coup d'etat…When it is fighting propaganda, it can be understood.
arena8order/MisutDe/Mitelettrica @ Twitter
天皇家織田繪璃奈 (Yokohama, Nojima collar)
Freemasonrey&Microsoft USA tp.Eri
Ereoana de'mediti
In the BBS that how will be on Wednesday
chocolate @ Shonandai de' wirepuller @ Fujisawa-shi
In 2channel
慧吏載地衛帝跿 (mischief) 笑蛙蕗衛鴉瓏
弖十 = 優多乘手頭 = 哇狸乘雉会淮蛙労野慈蚕江亞梁江亞楼江亞瓏衛鴉隴絵鴉路衛驪野値迴穢鴉隴 collar
In モバゲー
Eight dog biography ☆ Aoi thunder favor ☆ 果音 -kanon♪
後悔しない為にアジアに神奈川県内で不法滞在のユダヤ人系フィリピン人『七星入り偽媚薬(ドラッグ)・白い人肉カプセル』製造元のクラッカー・サイバーテロリスト一族『瑁喰・朝鮮総連』が監禁する人質と その一族の犠牲者を御確認下さい。
衛鴉隴 絵鴉路 衛驪野値迴 穢鴉隴 江亞梁 江亞楼 江亞瓏
『偽清水』『偽アミ』『偽エアロ(エリ)』は『小笠原から逃げた黒顔の猴(貔豼)』蟻輊惡面儿・戲豬冕尽(ギチョメジン) 。
私の小学校の同級生で時々、お買い物をする『東京遊び場案内役』アミが 私に話す『小1のクラスメイト・1人牛乳のシズちゃん』である。
その家族は 全員、逃げる為に有名人似に整形する詐欺家族。森、安部、野田、扇、野田聖子のそっくりさんの詐欺師家族はユダヤでもカナンでも無い。イロマンゴ島の部族である。
シズちゃんと祖母『偽扇』が魔女である。横須賀の要塞に アミやタエの親戚の振りで居る。まだ、吼えながら続けている。口に石を…阿鼻の形相に。
ヨネ アクマ マジョ マオウ ヨウマ シナチク…皆、親族。横須賀の要塞に居る。『偽自民党員・朝鮮総連』である。
詐欺師集団 朝鮮工作員…世界のサッカーや競馬等の『八百長』犯の『朝鮮総連』…被害甚大の脳障害は諛沱邪(ユダヤ)と窩難(カナン)の民『朝鮮総連』が製造した『白い悪魔の媚薬・七星入り人肉カプセル』や税関を通らない一族の上陸(入国)による『害虫性脳障害・脳の破損(損傷・欠陥)性擬似発達障害』と『人タンパク質脳症』。更に回虫による心臓発作や腹痛、呼吸困難等の『多臓器不全』他。
天皇家 織田 繪璃奈(横濱・野島えり)
Freemasonrey&Microsoft USA tp.Eri
Ereoana de'mediti
chocolate@湘南台 de' 闇将軍@藤沢市
慧吏載地衛 帝跿(徒) 笑蛙蕗 衛鴉瓏
弖十=優多乘手頭=哇狸乘雉会 淮蛙労 野慈蚕 江亞梁 江亞楼 江亞瓏 衛鴉隴 絵鴉路 衛驪野値迴 穢鴉隴 えり
八犬伝 ☆葵雷恩☆ 果音-kanon♪